Games course is brought to you by XAMK, Finland, CADGI and Cypherdelic, Cambridge, UK

Games course is brought to you by XAMK, Finland, CADGI and Cypherdelic, Cambridge, UK
Yhteenveto suomeksi sivun alla. Summary in Finnish on the bottom of this page.
This course is great for beginners and hobbyists interested in learning about design, coding, busines and production of video games and curious to understand what happens behind the scenes.
This course will also provide a professional tools guide such as
C#, Unity3, Blender and Krita used in world-class game studios.
There are no scheduled classes! It gives you the flexibility to study at your own pace, any time you want from anywhere.
You can start studying immediately after sign-up
Now open for subscriptions!
Earn a Certificate of your studies from a well-known Finnish university.
Accumulate study credits while you study. Study as much you want. New content published continuously.
Hey @everyone, I hope you are all doing well. My name is Reetesh Badlani, I completed this course with 25 ECTS. As a result of taking this course at XAMK, I secured my first job in the video game industry last month as a Game Designer. I truly want to appreciate this Video Game Creation course at XAMK and I personally want to thank @Dr Jan Storgards Course Leader, Sir Matthew Dickson, and Sir James Shepherd for being great mentors and for helping me to get into the industry I was genuinely passionate about. It's been a wonderful journey
Hei professor! I hope you had a great Midsummer! I am extremely grateful that I did this course which not only helped me gain knowledge but also helped me progress towards my goals and made me more passionate about doing research on video games. I wanted to thank you for all the additional help that you provided and for all your quick and warm replies. I am delighted to inform you that I have been accepted into a University in the UK for further studies.
I will keep you updated from time to time about my journey. Just in case, you have any new course, research or internship opportunity in the future please let me know. I would love to be a part of it. Once again, a special thanks to you , all the course instructors and the administrative staff at CADGI! Best wishes, Simar!
I wanted to share this as some sort of letter, but I think that this message actually perfectly sums up what I feel right now and what this course has meant for me. I feel honored for having that message to be shared here. And yes, I aim to enroll into XAMK's bachelor of Game Design; that's going to be my beginning. I want to thank from the bottom of my heart Dr. Jan Storgards, Maarika Storgards, James Shepherd, Matthew Dickson and all the people who have collaborated with you, for the amazing work you have done and for the continuous support you give to all the students. This is truly the greatest free game design course there is out there. I'll be looking forward to the next modules you will add to this course! The road to become a great Game Dev starts by taking the first step, and if that step is completing this course, than it is one hell of a good step . Good luck to you all
How will you learn?
- by following online lectures about theory and practice of video games creation
- by watching and following videos and other materials
- by completing tests, quizzes, writing essays and sending software deliverables, including full games
- by joining a IVGC.course Discord group of 10.000+ fellows to discuss the content
You can study any module at any order you like and as many modules you can.
Check great examples from our students:
This is the first video of study Module 18: Game Concept Design. Your task is to develop a game concept and a character, 'your hero'.
Rather than just playing games, make your own games and share with friends!
Some months ago I wrote that message as my post-course-stories after completing IVGC Course and I said I aimed to enroll into XAMK's Bachelor of Game Design and I also said: "The road to become a great Game Dev starts by taking the first step, and if that step is completing this course, than it is one hell of a good step". I really meant it and I was true to my word. I tried the part-time application and failed for a few points. I did not give up. I focused on polishing my abilities in the meantime and applied for the full-time course. Two days ago I received an email from XAMK and I found out I passed the selection. Couldn't believe it, even now thinking about it makes my mind go like "journey to the end of the universe" kind of thing . I did it, I've reached the shore and I've burnt my boat, no going back. Now it's time to walk on this new path that I and the IVGC's professors have made together.
So once more I'd like to thank from the bottom of my heart Dr. Jan Storgards, Maarika Storgards, James Shepherd, Matthew Dickson and all the people who have collaborated with you, for the amazing work you have done and for the continuous support you give to all the students.
The IVGC has all the things you need to start your journey becoming a Game Developer, and I think I am living proof of it (I wonder if there are others here who did the same, in that case share your story!). I've reached the shore, now it's time to reach the top of the mountain. I'll update this message down the road so that it might inspire you to follow your dream and commit to it, strive to become who you wish to be. If you wish for it and you commit to it, you can do the same. So to all of you, good luck and keep studying !
Dr. Jan Storgårds is Course Leader, entrepreneur, Director of CADGI (Cambridge Academy of Digital Games and Innovation) and CEO of Cambridge Gamechanger ltd. He has over 25 years of experience working in the industry and academia with high technology companies and technology cluster development, including video games and gamification. He holds Dr.Sc. in information systems science in computer games development from Aalto University, Finland. Prior to his current role he was Sector Lead for Digital and Creative Industries at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge and a visiting research fellow at Cambridge Judge Business School (University of Cambridge) working with start-ups and early-stage technology companies including video games studios.
James Shepherd: CEO Cypherdelic Limited. Double Bafta and Develop winning creative executive responsible for delivering multi-million selling products. Head of the nDreams Studio. Responsible for the release of cutting-edge VR products, ‘Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord’, ‘Synapse’, ‘Fracked’ and ‘Far Cry: Dive into Insanity.’
At Microsoft James created the Xbox One and Xbox live games community 'Upload', and the app, 'Upload Studio', generating a 6.5 million user base, and 10+ million views in the initial 12 month launch window.
At Sony he had 6 years’ experience as director of a multi project development studio, managing dev teams of up to 200 people, delivering triple 'A' products internally and externally on all PlayStation platforms, including, ‘Heavenly Sword’, (PS3,1.6m units, 79% Metacritic) and ‘LittleBigPlanet’, (PSP, 2.5m units, 87% Metacritic).
Matthew Dickson: CTO Cypherdelic Limited. Over 10 years coding experience on triple ‘A’ titles for Sony PlayStation, including ‘Killzone2’, ‘Little Big Planet PSP’ and ‘Heavenly Sword’. Matt published the I.O.S title: ‘SuperJackFruit’, including all art and game programming. Matt’s polymath expertise makes him ideally suited to delivering a games development course.
Additional information on enrolment: Open University of Applied Sciences office, email
Tervetuloa suorittamaan Xamk Pulsen ammattikorkeakoulun IVGC-opintokokonaisuutta!
Rekisteröidy IVGC-opintokokonaisuuteen nyt! Opi ja opettele pelien suunnittelua, ohjelmointia ja tuotantoa tuhansien kanssaopiskelijoiden kanssa. Opiskele niin paljon kuin haluat (1–35+ op), milloin haluat ja missä haluat. Liity meidän tuhansien aloittavien pelisuunnittelijoiden yhteisöön: IVGC.Course Discord community (click here to access). Käytämme vain peliteollisuudessa käytettyjä suunnittelutyökaluja ja kaikki ovat tarjolla ilmaiseksi. Opiskelukieli on englanti.
IVGC-opintokokonaisuus on XAMKin, CADGIn (Cambridge Academy of Digital Games and Innovation), Cambridge Gamechangerin ja Cypherdelicin tuottama yhteisproduktio. Voit ilmoittautua mukaan iästä tai aiemmasta osaamisesta riippumatta. Voit opiskella pelien kehittämistä yli 15 moduulin ja 35+ opintopisteen verran! Opit tekemän kokonaisia pelattavia pelejä.
Peliala on moderni ja vaativa, mutta todella innostava ja kiehtova ala! Kuten varmaan tiedätkin, suomalainen peliteollisuus on maailman kuulua. Oletko sinä ja sinun tiimisi se seuraava megahitin kehittäjä? Kyllä voit olla! Peliala ja peliklusterit Suomessa sekä täällä Cambridgessä, Englannissa ovat meitä niin lähellä, että niiden vaikutus on lähes käsinkosketeltavaa. Tämä on ainutlaatuista eivätkä pelialan mahdollisuudet ole todellakaan vähenemässä vaan monipuolistumassa. Pelien kehittäminen opettaa taitoja myös muille aloille.
Pelien kehittäminen ei ole enää pelkästään koodausta vaan se on monitieteellinen ja -taiteellinen (STEAM) kokoelma osaamisesta eri aloilta, kuten suunnittelusta (design), ohjelmoinnista (engineering) ja liiketoiminnasta (production). Meidän tavoitteenamme on antaa teille mahdollisuus tutustua jokaiseen osa-alueeseen ja sitten päättää mihin suuntaan ja spesialiteettiin haluatte erikoistua.
Opintojen sisältö tulee Cambridgestä, Englannista. Minä, James ja Matthew olemme kurssin pääsuunnittelijat ja tuottajat (CADGI, CGC, ja Cypherdelic). Meillä on täällä iso peliklusteri ja menestyksekäs tietojenkäsittelytieteen historia (esim. Alan Turin-tekoälyn keksijä, Sir Clive Sinclair-ZX Spectrum, Jagex, Frontier Developments etc.). Olen väitellyt tohtoriksi pelikehittämisestä Aalto-yliopistosta. Muutin tänne Cambridgeen 15 vuotta siten osaksi Cambridgen peliklusteria. Ystäväni James Shepherd ja Matthew Dickson ovat kehittäneet pelejä yli 20 vuotta lukuisille alustoille ja
viimeisimpänä tuotoksena on Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord VR for PS2VR ja Meta Quest 2/3. Emme ole varsinaisesti opettajia vaan pyrimme katsomaan pelejä teollisesta ja taiteellisista perspektiiveistä jakamalla asiantuntemustamme ja verkostojamme teidän käyttöönne.
Dr. Jan Storgårds
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